Brassington Primary School

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School Hill, Brassington, Derbyshire, DE4 4HB

01629 540 212

Brassington Primary School

Opening our eyes to find meaningful happiness – learning, achieving and growing together as a family

School Life

Communication with School


Please email the school office in the first instance.  Any information or enquiries will be passed to the relevant member of staff.  If you have an immediate safeguarding concern outside school hours, please email the Executive Headteacher directly. 

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a fun way to give reward points to children in all classes.  We share photos on the class story and notify you of class activities and school events. You are also able to message the school office regarding reminders.

Home School Link Book

Every day the children will have some reading and sometimes some other activities to complete at home.  This will be written into the home school link book and parents are encouraged to complete comments each day when they read with their children.


The Parentpay website is where you will pay money due for lunches,  activities and school clubs. It is important that you regularly check your balance and make payments promptly so that your balance is cleared at the end of every half term.

Weekly Email News

A weekly news email is sent out each Friday by the Executive Headteacher with important school procedures, updates, term dates, activities outside school and official notices

End of Term Reports

End of term reports are sent to you electronically via email just before the parents evenings in autumn and spring terms.


The website is a source of information about the school, has links to policies and contains all the school's statutory guidance and reports